Zoe Marta

I'm a TEN year old kid. I was born a preemie, but I am a fighter. Yay!

Saturday, August 12, 2006


I watch too much TV.
Mom is mad at me about it.

Katy and me

I've known Katy most of my life. She is so much fun.

We are best buddies.


Yesterday at temple I met the rabbi. Dad and I talked to him.

Monday, August 07, 2006

I LOVE Tamagotchis

Thanks Auntie Amy! Posted by Picasa

I LOVE Swimming

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I LOVE Boston

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Sunday, August 06, 2006

My 8th birthday party

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Birthday Road trip to Boston

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The Destination of this train is Park Street Station

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Play play play play and more play

I went to a friend's house for a play date. It was really good. We played for hours. We played with my tamagotchis and my airbending avatar. It was a long playdate. play play play play play play

Daddy's website OnCall Networks

Daddy has set up a new website. It is OnCall Networks