Zoe Marta

I'm a TEN year old kid. I was born a preemie, but I am a fighter. Yay!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Spring break

Spring break is over.

We took care of Max's dog and guinea pigs. Now I want a guinea pig if they have babies. I DON't Want a DOG. That Dog ait my jacket and blanket. He pooped on the floor. YUCK gross

I had a lot of play dates. One with Jacob, one with Dougie and Stevie, one with Max, one with Zach and Jordan, one with Jessica.

On Tuesday, I went to knitting group with mommy. Mary taught me some new stitches. Andrea gave me cookies. It was great.

Today we're doing spring cleaning. My mom mopped the floor and I FELL two times! OUCH ITs slippery.