Zoe Marta

I'm a TEN year old kid. I was born a preemie, but I am a fighter. Yay!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

sea monkeys die

I am so SAD that all my sea monkeys died. boo hoo boo hoo.

But I know something--that they laid some eggs before they died.

My friend Kasey also loves sea monkeys. I am so sorry that I forgot to feed them. Will you forgive me, Kasey?

Kasey, you can find some sea monkeys of your own on http://www.seamonkeys.com

thats all tonight

Report Cards

I got a report card on Wednesday. The bad news was my music and art teachers gave me minuses. My mom and dad think that I have to be grounded. I want not to be grounded, so I have to improve my grades.

How's that going to happen? I don't know how it is going to happen, but my parents do.

I also got a new nightgown from my mom. I like it. It is nice and pink. My mom is
so nice. I love her.
