Zoe Marta

I'm a TEN year old kid. I was born a preemie, but I am a fighter. Yay!

Saturday, August 13, 2005


One of the best gifts that I got for my birthday was Sea-Monkeys!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Me and my guitar

I have this great guitar that I just got from my dad. I love it.

I had an old one that was broken, so we replaced it. My dad is the best. Because he got me a new better guitar. It's easy to hold, fun to play and easy to tune. For ages 6 and up.

I'll post a picture of myself with it soon.

Zoe's world

I have a special friend that I call Mr. G.

First posting

Hi, I'm Zoe Marta. I'm seven years old and live in Chapel Hill. I just learned how to blog today.
I'll be posting about starting first grade. And the clubhouse section. And my pesty, but fun brother.