Zoe Marta

I'm a TEN year old kid. I was born a preemie, but I am a fighter. Yay!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Two weeks to my birthday

My birthday is in 2 weeks. I will be 8. We're going to Boston for my birthday. I want to go to Boston Bowl. I'm excited.

Click Here For Boston Bowl.

Best friends for life

I'm making new friends at summer camp. I even have new best friends for life.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Tamagotchi and me

Here's a picture of my Tamagotchi. Owen really wants one too.

I love my Tamagotchi. Posted by Picasa

skating solo

  Posted by Picasa

on the ice


I'm able to skate now without holding on. My parents are proud. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 16, 2006


On Saturday, we went to the Chapel Hill Children's Museum. It's called Kidzu. We had a lot of fun. I'll post a picture when mom has time.